
Come impedire che le melanzane assorbano troppo olio durante la frittura: il trucchetto efficace

Eggplants are such a delicious ingredient that it’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t like them. Thanks to their versatility, they can be used in a wide range of dishes, from first courses to second courses, side dishes and tasty appetizers.

They can be cooked in different ways, and one of the most popular is frying. However, there is a drawback: during frying, aubergines tend to absorb an excessive amount of oil.

Why do aubergines absorb oil?
This problem is due to the internal structure of eggplants, which is composed of small spongy cells. When fried, these cells open instead of closing, allowing oil to penetrate easily.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent eggplants from absorbing too much oil, keeping them light and tasty.

Prevent the aubergines from absorbing oil during frying: pre-cooking
The first trick is to pre-cook the aubergines, and to do this we will use the microwave oven.

