
Come impedire che le melanzane assorbano troppo olio durante la frittura: il trucchetto efficace

To prepare aubergines in the microwave, start by washing and drying them carefully. After removing the tip, cut them into the desired shape, based on the recipe you are following. Place the cut aubergines on a microwave-safe plate and cook them for 8 minutes at a power of 800-1000 watts. Before frying them, let them cool: with this pre-cooking method, the aubergines will not only absorb less oil, but will also retain their original flavour.

If you need a quick side dish, you can avoid frying. Complete cooking the aubergines in the microwave, then season them with a little olive oil and salt. Once cooked, aubergines can be used in various ways: to prepare parmigiana, stuffed rolls, timbales, meatballs or as an ingredient for a first course. This way, you will have tasty and healthy aubergines in a short time.

Flour trick to prevent the aubergines from absorbing oil when frying
To apply the second trick we will use a simple ingredient: flour.

To fry the aubergines perfectly, start by washing them and cutting them into rounds or cubes. Let them drain in salt for at least an hour, then place them in a bowl and add a full spoonful of flour.

Mix well to distribute the flour evenly over all the aubergines. Heat some peanut oil in a large, non-stick pan. When the oil is hot, drain the aubergines to remove excess flour and immerse them in the oil. Fry them until golden brown, then drain them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.

